If you have a legal practice, isn’t it time you thought seriously about the ways in which transcription could actually benefit you to a very large extent? ‘Why would I need a transcription service, when I have back-ups of all the files that I need’, you may ask. Let’s consider any of these situations which  could become a very real possibility:


  • You lose the original audio files you thought you had saved carefully, because your computer crashed and never recovered.
  • Even though you had the best anti-virus software installed for all your office systems, that one nasty malware wrecked havoc on all your important data.
  • You need some important information on that one legal case but now you actually have to sift through all your recorded audio just to find that one but you actually need.
  • Let’s be honest: Listening to hours of audio can be tedious on the mind too. Would you really want to put your clients through all that?

So what kind of legal transcription services do we offer? Any type of legal document such as legal letters, briefs, judgments  deposition statements, recordings of any nature, interrogations, police statements, general correspondence and any other official or non-official document. Getting all such important documents transcribed ensures that you have a solid back-up which doesn’t need any virus protection and which can be referred to at ease anytime you want. Besides, it makes taking down references, making notes or just going through such transcripts much more pleasant. Anytime you want to reach out for a specific bit of information, you’ll know just where to look.

Of course, since all your data is of a confidential nature, you can trust us to keep it that way. We’re even fine with signing a non-disclosure agreement if that makes you feel more comfortable. Give us a call today and we’ll help you get started right away!