Since lockdown and social distancing, video conferencing has become an important part of business. Even when people return to work, social distancing and health worries will keep many people on video conferencing when they need to hold meetings, rather than risk a room full of people. This is also an easier way to hold meetings when participants live far apart, and it saves valuable travel time.

The most popular tool for webinars, conference calls and meetings is Zoom. Virtually unknown before lockdown and used by only a select few, this simple video call tool is taking over the world.

Like with any meeting, transcriptions of what took place are an important part of business, and that is where we come in. We provide an accurate, written copy of the meeting for your records, to send to people who were unable to participate or to include in press packs.

Zoom makes it easy to record calls and meetings. There are a few easy steps to get this up and running.

First enable screen sharing – the button on the task bar labelled ‘share’.

The ‘host’ has to activate recording, or allow participants to record. This is a simple click on the ‘record’ button on the task bar.

Once you start recording this button changes into a stop or pause the recording function, and this is self-explanatory.

If screen sharing has not been set up, a participant joining the meeting can select the ‘More’ menu on the task bar. Scrolling down is the ‘record’ function, just click it. Again to pause or stop, you will find this function under ‘more’.

When you stop recording, the file is saved on your computer as an mp4 file. Zoom also offers cloud recording, so if you have enabled this your file will be on the clouds.

Zoom also have a great file sharing platform if you need to send files during a meeting.

All you need to do now is send the file to us and get back a professional transcript of the meeting.