Creating audio transcripts for things like lectures can help students note down key information without physical recordings. It’s growing in popularity from a solid existing idea – meeting transcription services were already available.

How We Can Use Audio Transcripts

It’s always been a matter of some discourse as to how we use audio transcripts. Nowadays, you’ll find them in practically every classroom environment.

It’s a process with a lot of strengths. Let’s take a look at them together.

Improved Student Engagement

Transcripts are good resources for improving student engagement. If the student is busy focusing on the lecture and doesn’t need to take notes, they’re more likely to stay engaged.

Students love to be freed up to concentrate more fully on a lecture. Whether this takes the form of engaging with questions or being able to finally focus on things like facial expressions and body language, transcripts offer a welcome change of pace.

Transcriptions Help Students Study After Class

A big part of modern lectures is the ability to study after the lecture is finished independently. Students who manage to study in the most effective way after the lecture is finished often have a transcription of the entire lecture that they can use to refer back to to get accurate notes.

Simply taking notes is considered to be ineffective and more likely to result in information being misunderstood or ignored entirely. However, using transcription as a learning material guarantees that information is communicated in the right way. There is absolutely no room for misunderstanding when the audio is right there.

Transcriptions can also be useful in sharing information with students who couldn’t attend the lecture or with tutors who can use it as a resource to help them deliver feedback.

Transcripts Give a Fuller Experience

Transcriptions can be used to provide a much more complete and comprehensive experience that can be very useful for anybody who is studying at university.

It’s often the case that the typical lecture contains a wealth of additional information and extra knowledge given by the lecturer, which is not part of the expected course syllabus but is still available anyway. If a student doesn’t note down this information, they don’t benefit.

However, information like this is also easily missed. It could be a simple throwaway sentence or an entire point which is so easily built into a casual conversation that it doesn’t register as a proper note when writing things down. In contrast, an audio transcription helps to deliver the entire lecture, so there is no risk of anything being missed.

Audio Transcriptions Have Many Benefits

It’s clear to see that audio transcriptions have a lot of benefits. They can be a smart and effective way to take notes. It’s easy to get all the information collected and available for recall when the entire lecture has been recorded as a transcription. EQ transcription services can help deliver winning results for anyone who needs reliable audio from their lectures.